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Getting Started#

In this section you'll find useful tutorials to learn Joyce functionality, they are intended to be followed in progressive order, but they are totally indipendent from each other.

1. Quick Start#

To have a quick quick start you can follow the of joyce-compose repository, it will give you a quick grasp of what you can do.

2. How to build with Joyce a Unified API for italian regional hotels#

This Tutorial will teach you how to use bulk import functionality and some other important concept, like schema inheritance and how to inspect error notifications.

With this tutorial you'll build an api exposisng data of italian accomodations, using as input different regional opendata csv.

3. How to build an API that enrich and aggregates rss feeds.#

This tutorial introduce how to configure Kafka Connect connectors within a schema and use some advanced schema handlers like $script and $rest.

4. How to develop a schema plugin#